Case study


Kalendarz 16.06.2023
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Maciek’s story

Director of Development, CEO

At BFI since 2018

  • What would you say to yourself on your first day at BFI?

I would say to myself that it will be an interesting adventure that will teach me a lot, give me great opportunities and possibilities, and will definitely not have a clear ending; it will just stay ahead of me, making this whole marathon longer and longer.

  • What gives you the best satisfaction from your job?

Freedom and the opportunity to make decisions, especially important ones. The opportunity to create my space, my workplace, me and my team’s future. A huge amount of confidence I enjoyed right from the start; whether we succeeded or failed, I had confidence in the moves we made, and things we decided to do would defend themselves if they worked.

  • What do you find most valuable about BFI?

People who decided to trust the company and joined with their different backgrounds, and found this veritable oasis here to make the best of their experiences and leave the worst behind the door.

BFI does not put a glass ceiling over career progression either; if someone does not put barriers in front of themselves, then BFI certainly will not –– it is a huge form of support, the biggest one I have encountered in my career path.

  • How would you describe BFI in three words?

It would not be three words, but BFI reminds me of that huge ball at amusement parks that you go into and it drops down a hill at this huge speed, and the people inside are enjoy rushing so fast; that’s us, exactly. We go full throttle and hard, we want to go even faster, and being the occupants of this dropping ball we have the immense satisfaction of the pace we are moving at.


BFI is simply a group of crazy people who have decided that the transport industry does not have to be boring and it is possible to do things that are fun, while making money.

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Case study